Virtual Supreme Court Summer Institute
The Court, the Constitution, and Controversy
July 14-16, 2020
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
This institute will examine some of the most controversial cases decided by the Supreme Court this Term. What role does the Supreme Court play in maintaining the checks and balances of the executive and legislative branches? What checks and balances limit the Court’s own power?
The Supreme Court decisions can shape policy as profoundly as any law passed by Congress or any action taken by the president. Previously, the Supreme Court has ruled on cases that involved college admissions policies, gay marriage, protests at funerals, and warrant requirements for police to search cell phones, to name just a few.
We’re at a critical time in our democracy. Misinformation and polarization are making it harder for Americans to resolve disagreements about public policy and law. By examining Supreme Court cases, participants will enrich their understanding of the Constitution and the courts, while engaging in civil policy discussions with others with varying viewpoints, and will have new tools to teach students to do the same.
Join the Constitutional Democracy Project, under the direction of the Institute on the Supreme Court of the United States (ISCOTUS) at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law for a series of webinars designed to enhance teacher practice with content knowledge about the Supreme Court and timely court cases. Classroom materials will be provided and each session's recording will be available for classroom use.
Each session will take place from 10:00 - 11:30 AM and is FREE to educators. Each session includes a legal expert presentation on a selected case along with a question and answer session. Participants can earn one PD credit for every hour of webinar instruction..
For questions or if you need additional information, contact Dee Runaas.

Cases Highlighted
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Does a congressional committee have the constitutional and statutory authority to issue a subpoena to a third party demanding private financial records of the president?
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Can a state fine or otherwise punish presidential electors for voting for a candidate other than the one they pledged to vote for?
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Does Title VII prohibit discrimination against transgender people based on their status as transgender?