How Do You Teach Civics to Young Kids?
We are asked that all the time, yet we firmly believe that students as young as 7 years-old have the ability to understand civics.
The Constitutional Democracy Project invests young people in our democracy -- bringing civics to life for students and teachers. Our hands-on programs get students excited about real constitutional issues in ways a textbook just can’t.
The Constitutional Democracy Project helps students understand their rights and discover their own role in American society.
Constitutional Democracy Project's Programs Help Students:
- Understand their rights and the rights of others
- Appreciate different points of view
- Influence public policy
- Use evidence to support their arguments
- Gain confidence
- Treat others with civility and respect
- Resolve conflicts
- Work together to solve problems
- Speak on public issues
- Formulate their own opinions

If you are a Chicago Public School teacher of 4th - 8th grade students and would like to get involved in either the ABC Project or We the People programs, please contact Dee Runaas for more information.