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High School

2022 Illinois Youth Summit

Illinois Youth Summit (IN PERSON or ZOOM)

April 22, 2022
9:00 AM - 1:30 PM 
Registration Fee - $5.00 per person
Open to 8th - 12th grade students

Possibilities or Perils: Should we regulate artificial intelligence?

The Illinois Youth Summit gives students an informed voice in discussions about current issues that affect them and provides an opportunity for students to explore and debate these issues as participants in our democratic society. This year's topic, "Should we regulate artificial intelligence? was selected based on input from students and educators when asked what they wished to discuss. This is a unique opportunity to meet with students from other schools around Illinois and to talk about these issues with policy experts.

For years, artificial intelligence has been a frightening plot device in movies. But today, AI—computer systems that are able to “learn” and perform tasks normally considered to require human intelligence—is common in everyday life. Personal voice assistants like Alexa and Siri are common in homes and cars. Intelligent robots perform tasks from building cars to caring for the elderly. Computers with AI capabilities predict which defendants in court cases will reoffend and pilot driverless cars. 

But some of these uses raise questions about privacy, bias and injustice, and safety. Can companies be trusted to consider the common good when they decide what applications they will develop and how they will work? Or should the government develop standards for acceptable uses of artificial intelligence? 

The Summit is open to 8th grade students as well as high school students.

Please contact Dee Runaas at if you have any questions.





Should we regulate the uses of artificial intelligence?



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